The Plot

For many years I have noticed a disturbing trend. As I have traveled Utah's highways each day, there has been a steady increase in the # of vehicles hailing from Alberta, Canada. In years past there were always plenty of Idaho, Nevada, and a few California license plates on our roads, but now they seem to have vanished from the byways. In their place has been a steady flow of Albertians sneaking their way across the border.

Alarmed by this increasingly puzzling situation, I have created this blog to assist in monitoring their movements. I invite those of you who feel unnerved by these circumstances to leave your theories about this infiltration or note the last place you spotted another Alberta license plate in our fair state.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last Sighting

2 diesel engine pickup trucks towing large cargo trailers. Heading north on I-15 near Farmington.

Thank You Heidi

I owe a sincere thanks to Heidi, my friend and former college roommate, for tipping me off 6 years ago to the Canadian plot. I have continued to be vigilant.